Your Ticket to Jewellery Bliss.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Why Jul Loves Lucy.

It was the easiest shoot ever. I mean, how difficult can it be when the subject is Lucy Torres Gomez? Her flawless skin, svelte body, luscious long soft hair and the unparalleled beauty makes her the perfect model for Jul B. Dizon. 

It is our 6th year of working together and I see another 20 years more. Perhaps in the near future, my daughters will shoot Julianna Gomez and start their own colorful and gem-filled relationship. 

Sara Black doing what she does best. 

Jerome Chang knows exactly what Lucy wants. 

The outcome of the shoot? Prepare to be AMAZED! 

Thank you to Dennis Lustico for the haute couture. Your bloggerina with her present and future muse.